19 May, 2010

Annual Trip to El Alamein

Year 6 is a high-point for many primary school children. One of the highlights for our Year 6 classes was the recent trip to El Alamein, site of one of the decisive battles between the Allies and Axis Powers in North Africa.

The El Alamein trip is a keystone to the Year6 Inquiry unit for Conflict, this year entitled "Caught in the Crossfire" which introduced pupils to various ideas such as how conflicts arise between states, why states fall into conflict and how conflicts can sometimes be resolved peacefully. El Alamein provides the children with an excellent opportunity to witness some of the true costs of war and it provides a context for their learning.

The children explored and investigated the Italian, German and Commonwealth Memorials as well as the El Alamein War Museum. During their visits, the children gained a much clearer understanding of how the battle, and WWII generally could be explained by our studies of conflict and a realisation that in war, there are no real "winners."

I would like to invite you to read through the reflections from the various children in Year 6 who attended the trip and share their learning journey with them as they explain what they have learned from the visit and their perspectives on how El Alamein has helped them understand "Conflict" and its costs. After reading the reflections, please scroll down to see our Virtual Tour of the Commonwealth War Memorial. You may also visit the other Year 6 Blogs and Reflections by clicking the following links:
If you wish, please feel free to leave a comment.

Many Thanks,
Mr. Lowe

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